01 jul iEMFC Graduation Ceremony 1 July 2022
iEMFC Graduation Ceremony 1 July 2022
Again a lovely sunny summer day! Friday afternoon 1 July… time for the iEMFC Graduation Ceremony and time to welcome 10 graduates and their families at Maastricht University’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS). How beautiful to see the proud families and the graduates, all dressed in the academic regalia. Unfortunately, not every graduate could attend this ceremony.
Prof. Dr. Harold Hassink, iEMFC Program Director, welcomed everyone and handed out the well-earned certificates. Of course, there was a personal photo shoot of this special moment.
Rense Balk MSc RC, iEMFC Supervisory Board member and iEMFC alumnus, congratulated the new graduates and he referred during his speech to the Swiss army knife. According to Rense, you can compare the position of controller and possible future CFO to a Swiss army knife: be multiple disciplined, and keep sharpening and adding “tools” to your knife to remain relevant and to keep making impact. Also very important according to him: cherish and maintain the great relationships with other future leaders with whom the iEMFC connects you.
On behalf of the students, Lars-Peter Reumer shared a very nice presentation with the audience about his iEMFC journey. It contained a lot of beautiful pictures of pleasant moments, interesting challenges, and good memories. Stories and anecdotes to remember!
Almost at the end of the ceremony, Prof. Luc Keuleneer came rushing over because his teaching session at the Dutch EMFC program had run late. Promise is promise and yes, he was there to receive the iEMFC Lecturer of the Year 2021 award, to congratulate the graduates and to give a speech. In his well-known, humorous way and with some Belgian jokes, he managed to delight everyone with a lot of nice and wise words. Thank you, Luc, for so many faithful years of service as course coordinator and lecturer of Treasury, Risk & Cash Management.
After 1.5 hours it was time to raise a glass of champagne at the reception in Restaurant Philadelphia, at their beautiful terrace. What a lovely day!
As promised, please click here and have a look at a few nice pictures of this festive event!