12 okt iEMFC Graduation Workshop 12 October 2022
Geplaatst op 17:58h
in media-events
iEMFC Graduation Workshop 12 October 2022
Four students from cohorts 2016 and 2019 have spent the last few months going all out to neatly complete their thesis and to add the review comment to it, in cooperation with their thesis supervisor. These students probably had a different summer term than most of us due to the writing process and several deadlines. However, soon they can hopefully sit back with a good and relaxed feeling, enjoy their well-earned free time, and look forward to a nice certificate.
We congratulate Erna Berends, Harm-Jan Meeuwsen, Stef Ramaker and Martijn Waalwijk with their successful outcome of their thesis defence and wish them all the best. See you all Friday 16 December 2022 for the (i)EMFC Graduation Ceremony.